Friday, March 6, 2009

Prostate Cancer and African Americans

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the United States.While it isn’t known why African-American men have higher rates of getting and dying from prostate cancer, CDC believes that what you know can help you. African-American men should know the facts about prostate cancer.

Some medical experts believe all men should be offered regular screening tests for prostate cancer. Other medical experts do not. Given the uncertainty about the benefit of screening, CDC supports informed decision making about screening. When a man understands the nature and risks of prostate cancer and the risks, benefits, and alternatives to screening, he can make a decision consistent with his preferences and values.

Is prostate cancer screening right for you? The decision is yours. To help African-American men understand both sides of the issue, CDC has developed a helpful guide specific for African-American men.

For further information about prostate cancer, please visit the CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Website at You can also subscribe to be alerted by e-mail when our website offers new information on a cancer topic of interest to you.

Prostate Cancer Screening: A Decision Guide for African Americans


This article reproduced with the kind permission of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.